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Saturday, February 12, 2011

V-day check list for your Marriage!

Check out these simple steps and improve your marriage.

Open Your Heart

Husband and wife are said to be of one flesh and blood. An increased bank balance or a healthy sex life with your spouse does not matter unless you two have a wonderful relationship. So make it a point to have a heart-to-heart conversation with your partner, often! .


Try to talk less and listen more. That way, you will discover your spouse's thoughts and feelings more and more. A recently conducted research shows that the average person listens for only seventeen seconds before interrupting with his/her own ideas. Probably you do it too. But you can improve it. Work to increase your listening span. Practice looking at and paying attention to your spouse when he/she talks to you.

Don't Bicker

A lot of marriages head to the brink of separation only because of constant bickering among the partners. Do you do so too? Ignore the little things, and save the confrontations for the bigger problems. Whenever an argument arises, try to solve it peacefully. Even if you have to raise your voice, don’t lose your temper and never let the thought of separation cross your mind. No marriage is perfect and differences are part of any relationship..Keep in mind that no problem is so big that you can't solve it together. No trouble is worth breaking your marriage over.


No relationship can benefit from constant criticizing and nitpicking. Try to appreciate whatever good you find in your partner and do so openly, vocally. Remember, all of us want a little appreciation in our lives.


Communication is the key to a healthy marriage. Make sure that you have an open relationship with your spouse. That way, you will get to know what your partner's expectations are from you. Once you get to know, do not ignore those. Work on them. The little bothers of today can build up into something so big tomorrow.

Thank your Partner

Thank your partner for everyday things like making a meal, taking out the garbage, or buying the groceries. A thank you or a compliment can mean a lot. Tell your spouse how much he/ she means to you. If you're not used to doing this, you may need to think about what life would be like without your partner.


The couple that laughs together often, stays together always. Modern life has resulted in all of us being stressed some reason or another all the time. Laughter goes on to ease that. Try to make one another laugh everyday!

Share the responsibilities

All responsibilities need to be shared from chores around the house to bringing up a baby or two!

Spend time with each other

Take a break and try to spend time with each other. This keeps the romance alive, if you have a baby, arrange for a babysitter. You will be surprised at how refreshed you feel and will give you both a renewed energy to face life.

Say "I love you!"

I Love You. Just saying these magic words can help you keep the flame of romance burning in your life. Try it often. You will see a visible difference, not only in your marriage, but in your entire family as well. Remember, happy couples are the foundation for happy families!

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